Friday, November 16, 2012

The Brooklyn Nets and Toronto Raptors Rookies got new embarrassing bags.

The displeasure of Tyshawn Taylor's face must have broken Deron William's heart. I mean he went out and spent his some his money from his hard earned five year, $100 million dollar contract. And he got nothing back in return, those rookies need to learn their place. May I suggest you fill his car up with popcorn too?

Look at the Raptors rookies, not only did they embrace the gifts, they seem to love them. The smile on their faces say it all, no matter how ill matched the stuffed toys are to their respective bags, with the exception of Diego and Dora (No, I did not have to google it, I know my Dora the explorer, don't ask why, just accept it), they are appreciative of their new accessories.

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